
Newborn Photography Sudbury
| Amelia |

Amelia, Amelia, Amelia. Oh my. Did I have fun trying to complete your session. Sometimes newborn sessions just don’t go as planned! Miss Amelia came to visit me with her big sister, mom and dad. We managed to get good family images and a few posed images but she just would not sleep! She wanted her mommy for sure. Take 2 – Miss Amelia wasn’t feeling well and had to take a special trip with mom after we got 1 image. Take 3 for the win! We got it done and got some adorable images I must say!
As newborns are newborns sometimes they are just having off days and that is out of our control so we just try, try again and sometimes again and again until we get it done. Although the newborns care be stubborn it is so worth to capture the images when they are still so small, they change so much over the course of weeks. It’s unbelievable how much they change and grow daily. Miss Amelia was no different and had changed so much between sessions!