
wed·ding | /ˈwediNG/
/ definition of wedding /

1: a marriage ceremony usually
with its accompanying
festivities NUPTIALS
2: an act, process, or instance
of joining in close
3: a wedding anniversary or its
celebration — usually used
in combination

The Webster dictionary defines a wedding as a noun. To define an event. The joining of two people. A celebration.

My own definition differs just a little.
A verb | to wed | When two humans find a match in one another, they combine their mutual weirdness into one life, one home, two wholes.

wed·ding | /ˈwediNG/
/ to wed /

1: an act of love
2: joining
3: sharing of mutual weirdness

Let’s go back to the beginning.
Dating back to over 4000 years ago, as early as the year 2350 B.C.
Marriage’s only purpose was for reproduction; guaranteeing a husband that his wife was pure and could produce legit offspring. Peace of mind that all heirs were truly his biological children. If these terms were not met, men would return the woman to her family and marry someone else.

Religion did not become a part of the union until much, much later. Around 1563, when it was necessary to obtain a blessing from the church for a marriage to be recognized as legal.

Aisling Lake House Muskoka Wedding Photography

Now I know you are probably wondering, when did LOVE become a part of why two people tied the knot.

Well, it appears that love didn’t become a common part of marriage until the Middle Ages. It was suggested that the idea of romantic love was created by the french, think knight in shining armor but through a little research I would have to argue this point. It was in the early years of A.D 54, when a roman emperor married a man not once but twice, both in formal ceremonies. Fact – gay marriages became common in second- and third- century Rome until about the year 342 when formal gay marriages were outlawed by the Romans with the logic that male wives would never be able produce offspring for their husbands.

My argument being this, gay marriages in the early Roman days were not out of necessity to continue to repopulate or to birth heirs to a throne, so why would they be choosing a same sex partner if but not for love.

Showing that love has always been a part of marriages, but society and the law had set rules and standards for people to abide by, instead of allowing the masses to follow their hearts.

Props to the men supporting their ladies standing in the wedding! But how perfect is this shot depicting an early day in the world or maybe just the prep for winter 😉
Wedding Sudbury

A wedding, marriage, the coming together of two people,
is a beautiful moment in life.

It does not matter your gender, what traditions
you choose to incorporate into your day, who is
there celebrating with you, if it is recognized
to be legal, or just a celebration of your love!

To me, it is all an act of love and that,
that is so damn beautiful!
Love is love.

– Allison

Wedding Sudbury || History of Weddings